How to Remove Acne Scars Naturally? Don't Miss This Ultimate Treatment For Acne Scars!

Are you frustrated with acne breakouts? Do you want to say goodbye to acne scars? Are you looking for the perfect treatment for acne scars? Well, you’re in the right place. 

We’ll present you with all the information about acne scars, and every possible answer to how to remove acne scars naturally. Keep on reading to find out more!


What Causes Acne Scars?

Many people fail to see skin as an organ, even though it is the largest one. Our skin is made of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. These layers protect our body from harmful ultraviolet radiations, bacteria, dust, and other dangerous substances. 

Our skin has sebaceous glands, which are small glands that produce and secrete sebum. These glands are present in the skin of all mammals, and any area with sebaceous glands is prone to acne, including the face, chest, and back.

With acne scars medically reviewed, it can be concluded that they are caused by inflammation in acne blemishes. The acne pores swell up and then break down in the skin pores. Some pimple marks are small and heal easily, but others are more stubborn and hard to get rid of.


Types of Acne Scars

Acne scars can be divided into several different types based on their depth, shape, scar size, and where they might appear on your skin. Let’s take a look at some common types of acne scars:

Boxcar Scars: These pimple marks are broad and shaped like a box, with sharply defined edges. A type of atrophic scars, they are caused by widespread acne, chickenpox, or varicella. They mostly show up in places like the jaw or cheeks, and other places where the skin is thick. 

Ice Pick Scars: Ice pick scars are smaller, narrower, and harder to treat. They are shaped like narrow indentations pointing down into the surface of the skin and mostly appear on the cheeks.

Rolling Scars: These scar types have a variable depth. The edges of rolling scars are sloping and they make the skin look uneven. Rolling scars are usually greater than 4 mm in diameter.

Hypertrophic Scars: These are the same size as the acne that caused them. They look like raised acne scars on the surrounding skin and are formed by layers of scar tissue where the acne used to be. This scarring skin condition is found more on dark-skinned people or those with darker skin tones, and it can develop on the jawline, chest, back, and shoulders.

Keloid Scars: These scars are formed when scar tissue builds up on the skin, at the exact spot where acne used to be. They are found in the same areas as hypertrophic scars. But unlike hypertrophic scars, they create a larger scar than acne. 

Types of Acne Scars | How to Remove Acne Scars Naturally | BeautyFoo Mall Malaysia

How to Remove Acne Scars Naturally? 12 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne Scars

Acne marks can make anyone feel insecure, which is why many people are constantly looking for ways on how to get rid of pimple scars. 

These marks are nothing to be ashamed of, but if you’re looking for ways to get rid of them towards getting your dream unblemished skin, we have a list here that may help answer how to remove pimple marks. 

Although these home remedies for acne scars are not clinically proven, they have a history of working for people with acne marks and sensitive skin.


Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is one of the best natural remedies to clear acne scars as it has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are great for acne-prone skin. It has proved to be an effective way to remove pimple marks, as it aids the healing process, reduces inflammation, and helps minimize pores.

All you need is a small part of fresh aloe vera. Cut off the sides, and then remove the flat end. Before applying aloe vera, make sure to clean your face. Apply it directly by massaging it on your skin and leaving it on for 20 minutes. Now bid adieu to clogged pores!



Honey is an effective way how to remove acne scars fast. It reduces the redness and inflammation of your pimples. Plus, it’s a natural anti-biotic and will help the skin heals from bacterial infections. All you need to do is apply the honey directly to your scars and keep it on overnight. Wash it off the next morning and do it consistently to get rid of acne!



The citric acid in the lemon juice has many astringent qualities which help flush the oil out of the follicles. it’s also an antiseptic that reduces bacterial infection. Lemon juice is also considered a part of anti-aging foods group, hence it deals with dead skin cells.

Start by cleaning your skin with soap and water. After drying your skin, apply lemon juice from a fresh lemon. You can use a cotton pad for the application. Let the lemon juice absorb and then rinse your face with lukewarm water. 


Tea Tree Oil

Using tea tree oil is one of the secrets to glowing skin. All you have to do is wash your face. After drying your skin, take a drop of tea tree oil and apply it to your acne scars.


Baking Soda

Baking soda is among the solutions how to remove pimple marks naturally for oily skin. If you follow all the steps given below, this technique can be very helpful.

  • Mix one teaspoon of baking soda and two teaspoons of mineral water to form a paste.
  • Rub the paste on your acne-prone area.
  • Rinse the paste off using cold water.


Turmeric Powder

A turmeric mask will help brighten your skin, tighten your pores, eradicate dark spots, and reduce redness and inflammation. 

Mix 2 tablespoons of flour, one teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1 tablespoon of almond oil, and enough milk to make a paste (all these are natural ingredients!). That’s it, your mask is made! Apply and rinse off once dried.


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has antibacterial properties which help reduce inflammation. It has vitamin E which is great for the skin. Just apply a little bit of coconut oil to the affected areas and rub it into your skin. 


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a great acne scars treatment. All you need to do is mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of water. Using a cotton pad apply the diluted apple cider vinegar to your skin, leave it on for 10 minutes, and wash it off using lukewarm water. Repeat this daily to see quick treating acne scars results.


Shea Butter

Shea butter is a great answer to how to heal acne scars. Just rub it onto your face using your hand after cleaning your face thoroughly. Apply a thick layer, and let the butter absorb into your skin.



A neem face pack will help reduce inflammation and redness as you treat your acne scars. Take a handful of fresh neem leaves and grind them to a fine paste. Then, take one teaspoon of neem paste, one teaspoon of yogurt, and one teaspoon of earth powder. Apply it on your entire face gently using a brush and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off once dried.


Orange Peel Powder

Just add one teaspoon of honey to one teaspoon of orange peel powder. Apply this to the affected areas for 10 minutes and then rinse it off. You can use it every other day to remove dead skin cells and treat acne scars.


Lavender Essential Oil and Olive Oil

Both lavender and olive oils are a great way to reduce your acne scar areas, because of their nutritional values and vitamin E content. All you need to do is apply them to the affected areas every day. Let the skin absorb the oil and consistently do this to achieve better results!


Use These Beauty Devices - The Ultimate Effective Acne Scars Treatment!

Home remedies are a good way to cure acne scarring, but they might not suit all skin types. And finding the perfect home remedy for your skin can be a tricky business. 

That is why you should consider skincare tools such as high technology at-home beauty devices for acne scar treatments. They’re more affordable compared to dermatology treatments, and also yield quick yet safe and long-lasting results.

Check out these powerful devices on how to cure acne scars!

Cellreturn LED Mask Platinum

Cellreturn LED Mask Platinum is the most suitable homecare beauty device to remove acne scars fast and prevent future breakouts. This LED light therapy device has 1,026 LED lights, which is the highest number of LEDs in the market, to help create full coverage of the face, ears, and neck for an effective treatment session of red light therapy at home.

The device comes with 4 different modes:

  1. Red mode - this 20-minute mode uses red light and near-infrared rays to stimulate collagen and boost elasticity in the skin by removing dead skin cells. It helps to firm the skin to reduce skin sagging on face. 
  2. Blue mode - this 20-minute mode helps treat acne, minimizes inflammation in the skin, decreases redness and reduces eczema.
  3. Pink mode - this 20-minute mode reduces pigmentation and blemishes and helps heal scarring.
  4. Fast mode - this 9-minute mode is helpful when you’re in a hurry. It cycles through Red mode for 7 minutes, Blue mode for 1 minute and Pink mode for 1 minute for a quick skin pampering session.

You can check out the Cellreturn LED Mask Platinum review for more info on this LED light therapy device.



Silk’n Facetite Z 

Silk’n Facetite Z is a skin tightening device that requires only 20 minutes of your time per treatment session. Using a combination of three types of energy sources, namely, bipolar RF (radio frequency) energy, LED light energy and IR (infrared) heat energy, not only can you get rid of acne scars but also, you can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and enhance skin tightening on the face for a more youthful, V-shape face!

So how does this device help with acne scars or prevent acne scars? Silk’n FaceTite Z uses Radio frequency (RF) that works by passing a current through the dermis at a preset depth to produce small thermal wounds in the dermis which, in turn, stimulates dermal remodeling to produce new collagen and soften scar defects. 

You can operate this face lifting machine using just one button. With four different temperature settings, you can also use it to remove wrinkles under the eyes from the comforts of your home.

And don’t worry about its skin type compatibility! It’s is suitable for both men and women, any skin type and skin tone. It’s also considered to be one of the best anti aging skin care products since it promotes skin cell growth for anti-aging. You’ll be able to see visible skin rejuvenation results for yourself in just 5 to 10 weeks!

For more information check out Silk’n FaceTite Z review.



DPC Skin Iron

DPC Skin Iron is another all-in-one FDA-certified skin tightening and lifting device with five functions combined together to reduce acne scarring issues. This wonderful facial device provides its user with effective skin rejuvenation to improve your skin density, packed with 5 times more face lifting powers than other beauty devices plus wrinkle reduction benefits with just 5 minutes of daily care! 

It comes with the following technologies:

  • Microcurrent technology - Helps to soothe the skin and stimulate collagen production in skin
  • Anion penetration technology - This helps enhance the nutrient absorption of anti aging skin care products such as creams and ointment on the face.
  • Microvibration technology - This creates a form of facial exercise that promotes blood circulation and relieves skin dryness or tightness.
  • Red LED light therapy - Using the light therapy based principles, skin becomes smoother and firmer with less wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Heat massage - The warmth from device stimulates blood circulation through heat at 42℃.  

An easy to use, safe, compact multi-device, the unique tear-shaped plating of DPC Skin Iron can cover both large areas such as the cheeks, forehead, body, corner massage at the neck and decolletage, and also delicate areas such around the eye and mouth. Acne scar healing aside, this device is also one of the tested ways on how to get v shape face too! 

Natural acne scarring treatment with microcurrent does take some time to break up that scar tissue, as scar tissue is hardened collagen. But rest assured that with patience and consistency microcurrent will make your acne scarring less visible and, in many cases, even eliminate it completely for a blemish-free skin complexion!



How To Remove Pimple Marks: Do’s And Don’ts

If you have acne-prone skin, keep this dos and don’ts list in mind. Sticking by this list will help you prevent acne and will give you healthy and fresh skin. 


  • Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face twice every day
  • Remove makeup before going to bed
  • Use non-comedogenic products on your skin
  • Get a night of proper sleep
  • Have a healthy, balanced diet
  • Increase intake of healthy fluids
  • Wear sunscreen


  • Pop acne
  • Self medicate
  • Step out without sunscreen
  • Overuse skincare products
  • Apply toothpaste on acne



Acne scars are nothing to be embarrassed about, but if you still want to know how to fade acne scars, there are many ways you can do that. Try home remedies like coconut oil, lemon juice, honey, aloe vera, etc. 

We personally recommend beauty devices like Cellreturn LED Mask Platinum, Silk’n Facetite Z and Silk’n Infinity 2.0 as they are an effective, proven way to prevent and reduce acne scarring. Now you can relax and give yourself a salon-like treatment at home!

Now that you know the treatment for acne scars, you can start your acne wound healing journey. Good luck!

If you want to find the best in the beauty device Malaysia department, check out BeautyFoo Mall. We won’t just help you catch up with the latest beauty trends, but we’re the only authorized distributor of the Cellreturn, Dualsonic and DPC from Korea, Artistic & Co. and Belega from Japan, and Silk'n.

Aimee Lee

A fun and loving person who enjoys reading up and sharing the latest beauty info with others. Likes to pull late nights quite often, but also keen to know the most effective way to maintain good, healthy skin the night-owl way.