CELLRETURN Hair Alpha Ray Premium
CELLRETURN Alpha Ray Premium is a hair loss treatment device with patented LED module technology, based on years of intensive studies for hair loss remedies. CELLRETURN has safely and effectively combined the 240 Near Infrared (NIR), 240 Near Infra-Red Alpha (NIR ⍺) and 240 Red Wave Length (RWL) giving a total of 720 LED lights to create an optimal professional hair and scalp health device to use at home. NIR / NIR⍺ compounds from this beauty device are targeted to reach the scalp tissues and cells to activate hair follicle cell proliferation and increase blood flow to help stimulate hair growth.

The Hair alpha ray has incredibly 720 LEDs, which offers full seamless care whole scalp.
Based on the principle of ensuring sufficient nutrition and oxygen supplied to the hair roots, this is one of the best at-home beauty device products (家用美容仪) for a healthier scalp and hair.
According to research carried out at NASA, infrared light set at the right frequency promotes faster cell growth that aids wound healing, reduces joint pain, and reverses sun damage. By applying red infrared light to the scalp, this hair care device will effectively help hair follicles grow increasingly by stimulating collagen production.
The CELLRETURN Alpha Ray Premium comes in three main functions and modes:
- Power Mode (20 minutes): When the energy of cells in the scalp is most strongly activated (If there is no dizziness)
- Normal Mode (20 minutes): When strengthening the overall elasticity of the scalp and activating cells (When using it for 2 to 4 weeks)
- Soft Mode (20 minutes): Use along with Hair Alpha-Ray for the first time or when dizzy.

Forget about your scalp and hair problems! Relax and let your hair be beautiful, shiny, and healthy with this innovative Global NO.1 LED HAIR ALPHA RAY.
- Make your hair thick and shiny
- Rejuvenates scalp and promotes healthier hair
- Promote healing and cell renewal and it will stimulate hair growth
- Increasing the level of oxygenation and nutrition to the hair roots, stimulating and strengthening their growth

1 Year Manufacturer Warranty
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